646 I/111 gems 05 mars 2020 Gems /sites/default/files/styles/liste_recherche/public/gems/I111R.png?itok=i9UAPREr

ASA is an acrylonitrile styrene acrylate which is mainly used in the automotive sector for the production of bodywork components, for consumer products (e.g.

Injection ASA acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate
387 I/006 gems 05 mars 2020 Gems /sites/default/files/styles/liste_recherche/public/gems/I006R.png?itok=sjvMWZs8

PHB (Polyhydroxybutyrates), is of bacterial origin and therefore renewable, and has properties similar to, and in some cases slightly superior to, those of Polypropylene, which allows shiny surface

Bio-sourced Injection PHB poly-β-hydroxybutyrate
4537 F/010 gems 11 janvier 2023 Gems /sites/default/files/styles/liste_recherche/public/2019-01/f010r.png?itok=0dTdkRyP
Films thermocollants

Utilisation industrielle

Contrecollage à chaud sur support flexible et rigide


Fonctions spéciales Extrusion gonflage EVA
4536 F/009 gems 19 octobre 2023 Gems /sites/default/files/styles/liste_recherche/public/2019-01/f009r.png?itok=KNefO_jv
Membranes Imper-respirantes


Utilisation industrielle :

  • Contrecollage sur supports flexibles


Médical Extrusion gonflage TPU
4535 F/008 gems 11 janvier 2023 Gems /sites/default/files/styles/liste_recherche/public/2019-01/f008r.png?itok=qdUhD2CN
Films BIO


Utilisation industrielle

Bio-sourcé Extrusion gonflage Biopolymère